DYNAVECTOR - Te Kaitora Rua

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Dynavector -Te Kaitora Rua-  Der Klang: mehr als standesgemäß. Absolute Spitzenklasse. Ein aufsehen erregendes MC-System: "State of the Art".  Für alle Freunde des musikalisch-analytischen Klangbildes,  aber keine Spur von trocken oder unmusikalisch! Test: audioreview.com . Summary: The most musical cartridge I have ever heard. I am in High End Audio for 30 years and have heard a lot of serious High End products. The Dynavector TE KAITORA RUA makes you feel that all your LPs are remastered to 180-200 gr,vinyl! Old and not good recordings are heard as are good quality. Information from the record grooves comes to your ears as live music full of harmonics , live like ,full of emotions that I had not such experience before. With this new cartridge you want to hear music for hours.You dont want to do anything else during the audience.You sit and hear the live orchestra who plays music only for you! The same time you feel that you live with the musicians and that you are there.That is so rare to feel with many many other cartridges.With most other cartridges you hear your LP via the electronics and spekers in your room and you (not all the times...) enjoy the High end system.Not the live music but the system. So what else to say about that brilliant cartridge that brings the live music as it is to my heart? Only congratulations to Dr.Tominary and Dynavector. Strengths: BUILD QUALITY ARM COMPATIBILITY EXCELLENT TRACKING EXCELLENT BASS-MID-HIGH FREQUENCIES EXCELLENT BASS CONTROL EXCELLENT BASS BODY AND RHYTHM. HUMAN VOICES ARE EXTREMELY NATURAL HIGH FREQUENCIES SILKY SOFT AS TO THE LIVE MUSIC. OPEN AND AIRY WIDE SOUND STAGE, LIVE LIKE DEPTH OF IMAGE RIGHT DIMENSIONS OF INSTRUMENTS AND SINGERS EXCELLENT LOW LEVEL INFORMATION AND DETAILS EXTREMELY LOW SURFACE NOISE YOU FEEL THAT THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN SO MUCH IMPROVED THANKS TO THE HONEST TE KAITORA RUA (WHICH IF WAS NOT MADE BY DYNAVECTOR SHOULD HAVE 3 TIMES ITS PRICE) .AFTER THAT NEW EXPERIENCE , FOR FIRST TIME I WANT IS TO GO HOME AS SOON AS I CAN TO HEAR MORE AND MORE MUSIC.THIS NEW FEELING MAKES ME HAPPY AND MY INTEREST IN HIGH END HAS BEEN ''REBUILDED''. Technische Daten : Prinzip: MC High-Output, Schliff: MicroRidge, Gewicht (gr): 8.60, Auflagekraft (mN): 20.00, Ausgangsspannung (mV): 2.80, Befestigung: Half-Inch, Compliance (µm/mN): 12.00.
Diese Kategorie durchsuchen: Dynavector